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Trophy overview / Price list

IGP 1  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 40,- 
2nd€ 30,- 
3rd€ 30,- 
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 50,- 
2nd€ 40,- 
3rd€ 40,- 
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 250,-WDSF
2nd€ 100,- 
3rd€ 50,- 
IGP Special Prices  
PriceValueSponsored by
1th Winner€ 50,- 
Judges Choice€ 50,- 
Helpers Choice€ 50,-DTV Rijswijk
Best Tracking€ 50,- 
Best Obedience€ 50,- 
Best Protection€ 50,- 
Mondioring Cat. 1  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 40,- 
2nd€ 30,- 
3rd€ 30,- 
Mondioring Cat. 2  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 50,-John Wauben
2nd€ 40,- 
3rd€ 40,- 
Mondioring Cat. 3  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 250,-WDSF
2nd€ 100,- 
3rd€ 60,- 
Mondioring Special Prices  
PriceValueSponsored by
Judges Choice€ 50,- 
Decoys Choice€ 50,- 
Agility 1 Jumping  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 50,- 
Agility 1 Vast Parcours  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 50,-Kennel v.t olde gea
Agility 1 Overall Winner  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 50,-met Valkenstreken
2nd€ 40,- 
3rd€ 30,- 
Agility Open Jumping  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 50,-met Valkenstreken
Agility Open Vast Parcours  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 50,-met Valkenstreken
Agility Open – Overall Winner  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th (world champion)€250WDSF
2nd€ 50,- 
3rd€ 40,- 
Agility Special Prices  
PriceValueSponsored by
Judges Choice€ 50,- 
Obedience class 0  
PlaceValuesponsored by
1th place€30 
Most promising€30Kennel van Stavast
Obedience Class 1  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 40,-Kennel van Inlands Akker
2nd€ 30,- 
3rd€ 30,- 
Obedience Class 2  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 50,- 
2nd€ 40,- 
3rd€ 40,- 
Obedience Class 3  
PlaceValueSponsored by
1th€ 250,-WDSF
2nd€ 100,- 
3rd€ 50,- 
Obedience Special Prices  
PriceValueSponsored by
Judges Choice€ 50,-